15. Console/Command-Line Commands
SonataAdminBundle provides the following console commands:
15.1. cache:create-cache-class
The cache:create-cache-class
command generates the cache class
) from the classes.map file.
bin/console cache:create-cache-class
15.2. make:sonata:admin
The make:sonata:admin
command generates a new Admin class based on the given model
class, registers it as a service and potentially creates a new controller.
As an argument you need to specify the fully qualified model class.
All passed arguments and options are used as default values in interactive mode.
You can disable the interactive mode with --no-interaction
The command require the Symfony Maker Bundle to work. If you don’t already have it, you can install it with :
composer require symfony/maker-bundle --dev
Options |
Description |
model |
The fully qualified model class, e.g. “AppEntityFoo” |
admin |
the admin class basename (by default this adds “Admin” to the model class name, e.g. “FooAdmin”) |
controller |
the controller class basename (by default this adds “AdminController” to the model class name, e.g. “FooAdminController”) |
manager |
the model manager type (by default this is the first registered model manager type, e.g. “orm”) |
services |
the services YAML file (the default value is “services.yaml”) |
id |
the admin service ID (the default value is combination of “admin” and admin class basename like “admin.foo_bar”) |
bin/console make:sonata:admin App/Entity/Foo
15.3. sonata:admin:list
To see which admin services are available use the sonata:admin:list
It prints all the admin service ids available in your application. This command
gets the ids from the sonata.admin.pool
service where all the available admin
services are registered.
bin/console sonata:admin:list

15.4. sonata:admin:explain
The sonata:admin:explain
command prints details about the admin of a model.
As an argument you need to specify the admin service id of the Admin to explain.
bin/console sonata:admin:explain sonata.news.admin.post

15.5. sonata:admin:setup-acl
The sonata:admin:setup-acl
command updates ACL definitions for all Admin
classes available in sonata.admin.pool
. For instance, every time you create a
new Admin
class, you can create its ACL by using the sonata:admin:setup-acl
command. The ACL database will be automatically updated with the latest masks
and roles.
bin/console sonata:admin:setup-acl
15.6. sonata:admin:generate-object-acl
The sonata:admin:generate-object-acl
is an interactive command which helps
you to generate ACL entities for the objects handled by your Admins. See the help
of the command for more information.
bin/console sonata:admin:generate-object-acl