10. The Export action
This document will cover the Export action and related configuration options.
10.1. Basic configuration
If you have registered the SonataExporterBundle
bundle, you can benefit
from a lot of flexibility:
You can configure default exporters globally.
You can add custom exporters, also globally.
You can configure every default writer.
See the exporter bundle documentation for more information.
10.2. Routes
You can disable exporting entities by removing the corresponding routes in your Admin. For more detailed information about routes, see Routing:
// src/Admin/PersonAdmin.php
final class PersonAdmin extends AbstractAdmin
protected function configureRoutes(RouteCollectionInterface $collection): void
// Removing the export route will disable exporting entities.
10.3. Translation
All field names are translated by default. An internal mechanism checks if a field matching the translator strategy label exists in the current translation file and will use the field name as a fallback.
10.4. Picking which fields to export
By default, all fields are exported. More accurately, it depends on the
persistence backend you are using, but for instance, the doctrine ORM backend
exports all fields (associations are not exported). If you want to change this
behavior for a specific admin, you can override the configureExportFields()
protected function configureExportFields(): array
return ['givenName', 'familyName', 'contact.phone', 'getAddress'];
Note that you can use contact.phone
to access the phone
of Contact entity. Or use a getter if you have some virtual field.
You can also tweak the list by creating an admin extension that implements the
public function configureExportFields(AdminInterface $admin, array $fields): array
return $fields;
10.5. Overriding the export formats for a specific admin
Changing the export formats can be done by defining a getExportFormats()
method in your admin class:
public function getExportFormats(): array
return ['pdf', 'html'];
10.6. Customizing the query used to fetch the results
If you want to customize the query used to fetch the results for a specific admin,
you can override the DataSourceInterface
final class DataSource implements DataSourceInterface
public function createIterator(ProxyQueryInterface $query, array $fields): \Iterator
// Custom implementation
And then you can override the datasource set to the admin class.