8. Security

Access to the original media is not possible as the file can be private or/and unsecure for the end user. However we still need an action to download the file from the server. To solve this issue, the SonataMediaBundle introduces a download strategy interface, which can be set per context and authorize the media retrieval.

Built-in security strategy:

  • sonata.media.security.superadmin_strategy: DEFAULT - the user needs to have one of the following roles: ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN or ROLE_ADMIN (although these roles can be configured in SonataAdminBundle)

  • sonata.media.security.public_strategy: no restriction, files are public

  • sonata.media.security.forbidden_strategy: not possible to retrieve the original file

  • sonata.media.security.connected_strategy: the user needs to have one of the following roles: IS_AUTHENTICATED_FULLY or IS_AUTHENTICATED_REMEMBERED

On top of that, there are 3 download modes which can be configured to download the media. The download mode depends on the HTTP server you used:


Some file storage abstractions might not be compatible with some specific server flag, if you are not sure always use http.


If you use X-Sendfile or X-Accel-Redirect download mode, don’t forget to specify that you trust this header by adding BinaryFileResponse::trustXSendfileTypeHeader(); in your app controller.

8.1. Configuration Example

For the context default the user need to be a Super Admin to retrieve the file in http mode.

# config/packages/sonata_media.yaml

    db_driver: doctrine_orm
        default: # the default context is mandatory
                strategy: sonata.media.security.superadmin_strategy
                mode: http
                - sonata.media.provider.dailymotion
                - sonata.media.provider.youtube
                - sonata.media.provider.image
                - sonata.media.provider.file

The related download route name is sonata_media_download.

<a href="{{ path('sonata_media_download', {'id': media|sonata_urlsafeid }) }}">Download file</a>

8.2. Creating your own Security Download Strategy

The strategy class must implement the DownloadStrategyInterface which contains 2 main methods:

  • isGranted: return true or false depends on the strategy logic

  • getDescription: explains the strategy

Let’s create the following strategy: a media can be downloaded only by the given users:

namespace Sonata\MediaBundle\Security;

use Sonata\MediaBundle\Model\MediaInterface;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\Storage\TokenStorageInterface;
use Symfony\Contracts\Translation\TranslatorInterface;

class UsersDownloadStrategy implements DownloadStrategyInterface
     * @var TokenStorageInterface
    protected $tokenStorage;

     * @var TranslatorInterface
    protected $translator;

     * @var array
    protected $users;

    public function __construct(TokenStorageInterface $tokenStorage, TranslatorInterface $translator, array $users = [])
        $this->tokenStorage = $tokenStorage;
        $this->translator = $translator;
        $this->users = $users;

    public function isGranted(MediaInterface $media, Request $request): bool
        return in_array($this->tokenStorage->getToken()->getUsername(), $this->users);

    public function getDescription(): string
        return $this->translator->trans(
            ['%users%' => '<code>'.implode('</code>, <code>', $this->users).'</code>'],

Let’s explain a bit:

  • isGranted: the method test if allowed users contains the authenticated user for download

  • getDescription: return a translated message to explain what the current strategy does

The last important part is declaring the service.

# config/services.yaml

        class: Sonata\MediaBundle\Security\UsersDownloadStrategy
        arguments: ['@security.token_storage', '@translator', ['mozart', 'chopin']]

Now the service can be used with a context:

# config/packages/sonata_media.yaml

    db_driver: doctrine_orm
                strategy: sonata.media.security.users_strategy

                - sonata.media.provider.file

            formats: []