2. Translation

There are two main translation domains in an Admin class:

  • SonataAdminBundle: this domain is used to translate shared messages across different Admins

  • messages: this domain is used to translate the messages for the current Admin

Ideally the messages domain should be changed to avoid any issues with other Admin classes.

You can configure the translation domain for the Admin class by injecting the value through the container:

<!-- config/services.xml -->

<service id="sonata.page.admin.page" class="Sonata\PageBundle\Admin\PageAdmin">
    <tag name="sonata.admin" model_class="Application\Sonata\PageBundle\Entity\Page" manager_type="orm" group="sonata_page" label="Page"/>
    <call method="setTranslationDomain">

An Admin instance always gets the translator instance, so it can be used to translate messages within the configureFields method or in templates.

{# the classical call by using the twig trans helper #}
{{ 'message_create_snapshots'|trans({}, 'SonataPageBundle') }}

{# by using the admin trans method with hardcoded translation domain #}
{{ 'message_create_snapshots'|trans({}, 'SonataPageBundle') }}

{# by using the admin trans with the configured translation domain #}
{{ 'message_create_snapshots'|trans({}, admin.translationdomain) }}

The last solution is most flexible, as no translation parameters are hardcoded, and is the recommended one to use.

2.1. Translate field labels

The Admin bundle comes with a customized form field template. The most notable change from the original one is the use of the translation domain provided by either the Admin instance or the field description to translate labels.

2.1.1. Overriding the translation domain

The translation domain can be overridden at either the form group or individual field level.

If a translation domain is set at the group level it will cascade down to all fields within the group.

Overriding the translation domain is of particular use when using Customize admin, where the extension and the translations would be defined in one bundle, but implemented in many different Admin instances.

Setting the translation domain on an individual field:

use Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType;

        ->add('publishable', CheckboxType::class, [], [
            'translation_domain' => 'MyTranslationDomain',

The following example sets the default translation domain on a form group and over-rides that setting for one of the fields:

use Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType;
use Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\DateType;

    ->with('form.my_group', ['translation_domain' => 'MyDomain'])
        ->add('publishable', CheckboxType::class, [], [
            'translation_domain' => 'AnotherDomain',
        ->add('start_date', DateType::class, [], [])

Translation can also be disabled on a specific field by setting translation_domain to false.

2.1.2. Setting the label name

By default, the label is set to a sanitized version of the field name. A custom label can be defined as the third argument of the add method:

// src/Admin/PageAdmin.php

final class PageAdmin extends AbstractAdmin
    protected function configureFormFields(FormMapper $form): void
            ->add('isValid', null, [
                'required' => false,
                'label' => 'label.is_valid',

2.1.3. Label strategies

There is another option for rapid prototyping or to avoid spending too much time adding the label key to all option fields: Label Strategies. By default labels are generated by using the following rule:

isValid => Is Valid

The AdminBundle comes with different key label generation strategies:

  • sonata.admin.label.strategy.native: DEFAULT - Makes the string human readable

    isValid => Is Valid

  • sonata.admin.label.strategy.form_component: The default behavior from the Form Component

    isValid => Isvalid

  • sonata.admin.label.strategy.underscore: Changes the name into a token suitable for translation by prepending “form.label” to an underscored version of the field name isValid => form.label_is_valid

  • sonata.admin.label.strategy.noop: does not alter the string

    isValid => isValid

sonata.admin.label.strategy.underscore will be better for i18n applications and sonata.admin.label.strategy.native will be better for native (single) language applications based on the field name. It is reasonable to start with the native strategy and then, when the application needs to be translated using generic keys, the configuration can be switched to underscore.

The strategy can be quickly configured when the Admin class is registered in the Container:

<!-- config/services.xml -->

<service id="app.admin.project" class="App\Admin\ProjectAdmin">


In all cases the label will be used by the Translator. The strategy is a quick way to generate translatable keys. It all depends on the project’s requirements.


When the strategy method is called, context (breadcrumb, datagrid, filter, form, list, show, etc.) and type (usually link or label) arguments are passed. For example, the call may look like: getLabel($label_key, 'breadcrumb', 'link')