
A Product defines the data related to one entry in the persistence layer. An application can have different types of product. A Product is always linked to a ProductProvider.

The link between the Product and the ProductProvider is done through the configuration file (see app/config/sonata/sonata_product.yaml under sonata_product namespace in the sandbox).

A ProductProvider is responsible of the Product lifecycle across the application:

  • Compute prices
  • Forms manager: front and backend
  • Add a Product into the Basket
  • Create an OrderElement upon the Product information
  • Create variations

A ProductManager is responsible of the Product lifecycle with the database:

  • Retrieve a Product type
  • Save/Delete a Product type
  • Find a Product type

A ProductSetManager is responsible of retrieving a set of different products, or specific products (it overrides the ProductManager).

A ProductFinder is responsible for finding matching products related to a given one. It will noticeably be used for cross-selling & up-selling matches.

Each Product prototype has its own type (defined in ProductType property). You can use Sonata\Component\Product\Pool to retrieve related ProductProvider and ProductManager instances.

Product Variations

A Product can be duplicated. For instance, you can have a Product variated in many colors but all the others parameters are the same.

The ProductProvider is responsible of the variation creation.

The variations are related to a parent Product. When you edit some data in your parent Product, you can synchronize them with the ProductProvider.

A product and its variations can be synchronized : each field of the master product (except id, parent and the variation fields) is copied from the master product to its variations. The “variation fields” are used to differentiate the variations. Each of these fields can’t be modified from the parent product since they are “children specific”.

Product Template

Here are the blocks you can override in the product template.

The product sheet is based on the main product block, which is divided in 2 blocks:

  • product_left block, which includes:
    • product_carousel block displays the gallery associated with the product or just the main image of the product.
  • product_right block, which includes:
    • product_title block displays the product title,
    • product_properties block displays various information about the product (price, …) in the blocks listed below:
      • product_generic_properties block displays generic information about the product (non variation fields):
        • product_unit_price block displays the unit price of the product,
        • product_reference block displays the reference (aka SKU) of the product,
      • product_description_short block shows the short description of the product,
      • product_errors block shows the product page errors (unavailable stock, …),
    • product_variations_form_block blocks displays a form allowing to select the variation based variated properties (see sonata.product.block.variations_form for more information).
    • product_delivery block displays product delivery information (to override by default),
    • product_basket block displays the “Add to basket” form (rendered by SonataBasketBundle:Basket:add_product_form.html.twig template).
Also, to allow the display of variations, a javascript block has been implemented :
  • product_javascript_init block to register javascript functions related to products

Additionally, you can override those template blocks:

  • product_cross block is used as a container to encapsulate the following :
    • product_cross_selling block that includes cross-selling block (rendered by SonataProductBundle:Product:view_similar.html.twig template).
  • product_full_description block is used to render the full description of the product
  • product_comment block is used to render comments related to the product

Product Helpers

Some Twig helpers are available for your templates:

  • sonata_product_provider gives you the related ProductProvider for a given Product.
  • sonata_product_has_variations returns true or false if the Product has variations.
  • sonata_product_has_enabled_variations returns true or false if the Product has enabled variations.
  • sonata_product_cheapest_variation returns cheapest variation, based on its price.
  • sonata_product_cheapest_variation_price returns the price of the cheapest variation.
  • sonata_product_price calculates the price of a Product.
  • sonata_product_stock gets the available stock of a Product.

Product Block Services

Some SonataBlock services are available as well:


Renders the variations_form. A Product argument is needed.

  • variations_properties is an array of properties you wish to display.
  • form_route and form_route_parameters are used to generate the URL to submit the variation form.
  • form_field_options allows you to give an array of options to the form field generated. Note that this parameter will be applied to every form fields (their type is “choice”. See Symfony Choice Form Type for a list of available parameters.


Renders the latest added products. By default, the number of displayed products is set to 5, but you may override this setting using the setting key name number.


Displays a KnpMenu rendering the Product categories. It is rendered using the template SonataBlockBundle:Block:block_side_menu_template.html.twig that you might want to override.


Displays a KnpMenu rendering the currently selected product type filters (work in progress).