4. Getting Started

The bundle works on top of 3 simple models :
  • a Page: A page is composed of Blocks and contains information about a page (routing, headers, etc…)
  • a Block: A block contains information about an area of a page, a block can have children
  • a Snapshot: The final representation of a page, the end user always sees a Snapshot

4.1. Creating a default site

First, you need to create a dedicated site, let’s create a localhost site:

bin/console sonata:page:create-site


bin/console  sonata:page:create-site --enabled=true --name=localhost --locale=- --host=localhost --relativePath=/ --enabledFrom=now --enabledTo="+10 years" --default=true

The output might look like this:

Please define a value for Site.name : localhost
Please define a value for Site.host : localhost
Please define a value for Site.relativePath : /
Please define a value for Site.enabled : true
Please define a value for Site.locale : -
Please define a value for Site.enabledFrom : now
Please define a value for Site.enabledTo : +10 years
Please define a value for Site.default : true

Creating website with the following information :
  name : localhost
  site : http(s)://localhost
  enabled :  Tue, 10 Jan 2012 16:12:08 +0100 => Mon, 10 Jan 2022 16:12:08 +0100

Confirm site creation ?y

Site created !

You can now create the related pages and snapshots by running the followings commands:
  bin/console sonata:page:update-core-routes --site=42
  bin/console sonata:page:create-snapshots --site=42


The following fields must have values specified when creating a site:

Field Name Type Description
name string Friendly name for the site.
host string Hostname used to reach the site.
relativePath string The relative path for the site (only used by the HostPathSiteSelector otherwise, just use ‘/’).
enabled boolean If the site is enabled or not (true values are ‘true’, 1, ‘1’; all other values default to false).
enabledFrom DateTime The DateTime the site is enabled from (if site is always enabled and has no start DateTime, use ‘-‘ as the value).
enabledTo DateTime The DateTime the site is enabled to (if site is always enabled and has no end DateTime, use ‘-‘ as the value).
default boolean Only used by the HostPathSiteSelector as the default site if it is unable to match any other site (true values are ‘true’, 1, ‘1’; all other values default to false).
locale string The default locale for the site (use ‘-‘ as the value if specifying the locale is not needed).

4.2. Creating default Pages

As the Page bundle can handle symfony actions, actions need to be registered, just run the commands:

bin/console sonata:page:update-core-routes --site=all

The output might look like this:

Updating/Creating hybrid pages
UPDATE  homepage                                           /
UPDATE  fos_user_security_login                            /login
UPDATE  fos_user_security_check                            /login_check
UPDATE  fos_user_security_logout                           /logout
UPDATE  fos_user_profile_show                              /profile/
UPDATE  fos_user_profile_edit                              /profile/edit
UPDATE  fos_user_registration_register                     /register/
UPDATE  fos_user_registration_check_email                  /register/check-email
UPDATE  fos_user_registration_confirm                      /register/confirm/{token}
UPDATE  fos_user_registration_confirmed                    /register/confirmed
UPDATE  fos_user_resetting_request                         /resetting/request
UPDATE  fos_user_resetting_send_email                      /resetting/send-email
UPDATE  fos_user_resetting_check_email                     /resetting/check-email
UPDATE  fos_user_resetting_reset                           /resetting/reset/{token}
UPDATE  fos_user_change_password                           /change-password/change-password
UPDATE  sonata_media_gallery_index                         /media/gallery/
UPDATE  sonata_media_gallery_view                          /media/gallery/view/{id}
UPDATE  sonata_media_view                                  /media/view/{id}/{format}
CREATE  sonata_media_download                              /media/download/{id}/{format}
UPDATE  sonata_news_add_comment                            /blog/add-comment/{id}
UPDATE  sonata_news_archive_monthly                        /blog/archive/{year}/{month}.{_format}
UPDATE  sonata_news_tag                                    /blog/tag/{tag}.{_format}
CREATE  sonata_news_category                               /blog/category/{category}.{_format}
UPDATE  sonata_news_archive_yearly                         /blog/archive/{year}.{_format}
UPDATE  sonata_news_archive                                /blog/archive.{_format}
UPDATE  sonata_news_view                                   /blog/{permalink}.{_format}
UPDATE  sonata_news_home                                   /blog/
CREATE  sonata_news_comment_moderation                     /blog/comment/moderation/{commentId}/{hash}/{status}
UPDATE  catchAll                                           /{path}

Some hybrid pages do not exist anymore
ERROR   sonata_news_archive_daily
ERROR   global

  *WARNING* : Pages has been updated however some pages do not exist anymore.
              You must remove them manually.

The command will print updated and created pages. The last part of the command displays outdated actions, so depending on the change some dedicated actions must be taken.

4.3. Creating default Snapshots

At this point, no snapshots are available so the end user will get an error. The following command need to be run:

bin/console sonata:page:create-snapshots --site=all

The output might look like this:

001/038 /hello/{name}                                      ... OK !
002/038 /                                                  ... OK !
003/038 /login                                             ... OK !
004/038 /login_check                                       ... OK !
005/038 /logout                                            ... OK !
006/038 /profile/                                          ... OK !
007/038 /profile/edit                                      ... OK !
008/038 /register/                                         ... OK !
009/038 /register/check-email                              ... OK !
010/038 /register/confirm/{token}                          ... OK !
011/038 /register/confirmed                                ... OK !
035/038 /blog/                                             ... OK !
036/038 /media/download/{id}/{format}                      ... OK !
037/038 /blog/category/{category}.{_format}                ... OK !
038/038 /blog/comment/moderation/{commentId}/{hash}/{status} ... OK !

Enabling snapshots ... OK !

The command will take Page’s and then create the related Snapshot’s. At this point the frontend is available for the end user.

4.4. Add or Edit a Block

Before adding a new block, please look to the default layout @SonataPage/layout.html.twig, it contains different method calls.

  • sonata_page_render_container('content', page) : render the container content of the current page

  • sonata_page_render_container('content_bottom', 'global') : render the container content_bottom of the global page.

    A global page does not belong to the current url but it can be used on different pages.

  • page_include_stylesheets and page_include_javascripts : insert the stylesheets and javascripts used on the page by the related blocks.

The block management is done from the front end. A block can be moved and edited this way:

  • login into the backend using a valid user
  • go back to the front,
  • you should see a black navigation bar
  • click on ‘Show Zone’
  • some areas are now available, just double click on an area (a block container)
  • from the new interface you can add inner blocks and save the bock container.
  • refresh the front page, you should see the new blocks.

To add a new container block, simply render the container with the desired name:

{{ sonata_page_render_container('footer_left', 'global') }}

When the SonataPageBundle renders this container, it will automatically insert a sonata.page.block.container with the name footer_left if it does not exist yet. You will then be able to add new child blocks to it in the frontend. The second parameter is the name of the page. It can be either a string, or a Page instance. In case of a string, it will create a new page with that name if it doesn’t already exist.

4.5. Publish a Snapshot

The blocks added are not accessible to a non connected user, the blocks are published trough the Snapshot model. Once the new page is built or updated and ready to go live, just click on ‘Create publication’.