2. Installation

2.1. Prerequisites

PHP ^7.2 and Symfony ^4.4 are needed to make this bundle work, there are also some Sonata dependencies that need to be installed and configured beforehand.

Optional dependencies:

And the persistence bundle (currently, not all the implementations of the Sonata persistence bundles are available):

Follow also their configuration step; you will find everything you need in their own installation chapter.


If a dependency is already installed somewhere in your project or in another dependency, you won’t need to install it again.

2.2. Install Symfony Flex packs

With this method you can directly setup all the entities required to make this bundle work with the different persistence bundles supported.

If you picked SonataDoctrineOrmAdminBundle, install the Sonata Media ORM pack:

composer require sonata-project/notification-orm-pack

2.3. Install without Symfony Flex packs

Add SonataNotificationBundle via composer:

composer require sonata-project/notification-bundle

If you want to use the REST API, you also need friendsofsymfony/rest-bundle and nelmio/api-doc-bundle:

composer require friendsofsymfony/rest-bundle nelmio/api-doc-bundle

There are other optional dependencies:

composer require enqueue/amqp-lib
composer require liip/monitor-bundle

Next, be sure to enable the bundles in your config/bundles.php file if they are not already enabled:

// config/bundles.php

return [
    // ...
    Sonata\NotificationBundle\SonataNotificationBundle::class => ['all' => true],

3. Configuration

3.1. SonataNotificationBundle Configuration

To use the SonataNotificationBundle, add the following lines to your application configuration file.

Backend options:

  • sonata.notification.backend.runtime : direct call, no benefit but useful for testing purpose
  • sonata.notification.backend.postpone: post-pone the messages to be dispatched on kernel.terminate
  • sonata.notification.backend.doctrine: use database to store message, require a background task to be started and supervised, decent starting point for a small amount of async task
  • sonata.notification.backend.rabbitmq: use the RabbitMQ engine to handle messaging, best performance
# config/packages/sonata_notification.yaml

    backend: sonata.notification.backend.runtime

You can disable the admin if you don’t need it :

# config/packages/sonata_notification.yaml

        enabled: false

3.2. Doctrine ORM Configuration

Add the bundle in the config mapping definition (or enable auto_mapping):

# config/packages/doctrine.yaml

                    SonataNotificationBundle: ~

And then create the corresponding entity, src/Entity/SonataNotificationMessage:

// src/Entity/SonataNotificationMessage.php

use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
use Sonata\NotificationBundle\Entity\BaseMessage;

 * @ORM\Entity
 * @ORM\Table(name="notification__message")
class SonataNotificationMessage extends BaseMessage
     * @ORM\Id
     * @ORM\GeneratedValue
     * @ORM\Column(type="integer")
    protected $id;

The only thing left is to update your schema:

bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force

3.3. Next Steps

At this point, your Symfony installation should be fully functional, without errors showing up from SonataNotificationBundle. If, at this point or during the installation, you come across any errors, don’t panic:

  • Read the error message carefully. Try to find out exactly which bundle is causing the error. Is it SonataNotificationBundle or one of the dependencies?
  • Make sure you followed all the instructions correctly, for both SonataNotificationBundle and its dependencies.
  • Still no luck? Try checking the project’s open issues on GitHub.