9. Command Line Tools

9.1. Media commands

9.1.1. Synchronize thumbnails

Synchronize thumbnails for the provider sonata.media.provider.image in the default context.


There is also an interactive shell for parameters.

bin/console sonata:media:sync-thumbnails sonata.media.provider.image default

9.1.2. Remove thumbnails

Remove thumbnails for the provider sonata.media.provider.image in the default context and small format.


There is also an interactive shell for parameters.

bin/console sonata:media:remove-thumbnails sonata.media.provider.image default small

9.1.3. Update metadata

Update metadata for a set of media for the provider sonata.media.provider.youtube with the default context.


There is also an interactive shell for parameters.

bin/console sonata:media:refresh-metadata sonata.media.provider.youtube default

9.1.4. Add a media

Add a media to the provider sonata.media.provider.image with the default context from path.

bin/console sonata:media:add sonata.media.provider.image default path/to/image.jpg

Add youtube media from url.

bin/console sonata:media:add sonata.media.provider.youtube default http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BDYAbAtaDzA&feature=g-all-esi&context=asdasdas

Add dailymotion video from provider reference.

bin/console sonata:media:add sonata.media.provider.dailymotion default BDYAbAtaDzA

Add image from given path with additional attributes.

bin/console sonata:media:add sonata.media.provider.image default path/to/media.png --description="foo bar" --copyright="Sonata Project" --author="Thomas" --enabled=false

9.1.5. Mass import

Add multiple media files from csv file

bin/console sonata:media:add-multiple --file=medias.csv

Add multiple media files from stdin

cat medias.csv | bin/console sonata:media:add-multiple

The medias.csv file contains the following lines:


9.1.6. Fix missing root categories

Creates default root categories for the SonataClassificationBundle if they don’t exist. This command should be executed when creating a new context under the contexts config tree.

bin/console sonata:media:fix-media-context

9.1.7. Update CDN status

Updates and keeps synchronized the media with the CDN flush status for a given provider (IE: sonata.media.provider.image) in the given context (IE: default).


There is also an interactive shell for arguments.

bin/console sonata:media:update-cdn-status sonata.media.provider.image default