5. Number Helper

The number helper provides functions to format:
  • currency

  • decimal

  • scientific

  • duration

  • spellout

  • percent

  • ordinal

5.1. Usage

5.1.1. Twig usage

By default, if the second argument is not set then the current locale value is retrieved by using the request instance.

The symbols option is a list of key-values pairs used by the formatter to represent the special locale-dependent characters in a number, for example the percent sign. For a list of available values, check the PHP documentation.

{{ 10.49|number_format_currency('EUR') }} {# => 10,49 € #}
{{ 10.15459|number_format_decimal }} {# => 10,155 #}
{{ 1000|number_format_scientific }} {# => 1E3 #}
{{ 1000000|number_format_duration }} {# => 1 000 000 #}
{{ 1000000|number_format_decimal(symbols={ 'GROUPING_SEPARATOR_SYMBOL': 'DOT' }) }} {# => 1DOT000DOT000  #}
{{ 42|number_format_spellout }} {# => quarante-deux #}
{{ 1.999|number_format_percent }} {# => 200 % #}
{{ 1|number_format_ordinal }} {# => 1ᵉʳ #}
{{ (-1.1337)|number_format_decimal({'fraction_digits': 2}, {'negative_prefix': 'MINUS'}) }} {# => MINUS1,34 #}

5.1.2. PHP usage

When defining your Admin, you can also provide extra parameters:

// src/Admin/InvoiceAdmin.php

namespace App\Admin;

use Sonata\AdminBundle\Admin\AbstractAdmin;
use Sonata\AdminBundle\Datagrid\ListMapper;
use Sonata\AdminBundle\Show\ShowMapper;

final class InvoiceAdmin extends AbstractAdmin
    protected function configureListFields(ListMapper $list): void
            ->add('amount', 'decimal', [
                'attributes' => ['fraction_digits' => 2],
                'textAttributes' => ['negative_prefix' => 'MINUS'],

    protected function configureShowFields(ShowMapper $show): void
            ->add('price', 'currency', [
                'currency' => 'EUR',
                'locale' => 'fr',