4. Datetime Helper

The DateTime helper provides functions to format:

  • a date : format_date
  • time : format_time
  • date and time : format_datetime

4.1. Usage

4.1.1. Twig usage

You can format a compatible date with 4 methods, a date can be:

  • a DateTime object
  • a timestamp : 375930000
  • a date string : '1981-11-30'
{{ date_time_object | format_date }} => '1 févr. 2011'
{{ date_time_object | format_time }} => '19:55:26'
{{ date_time_object | format_datetime }} => '1 févr. 2011 19:55:26'

By default the helper methods use the current user’s locale to display information. Of course this behavior can be controlled from within the template by providing extra parameters :

  • pattern : the pattern to use to render the date
  • the locale
  • the timezone to use if date is not a DateTime instance
  • (format_date and format_datetime only) the date type to use if no pattern were provided: the given value must be one of \IntlDateFormatter::{SHORT, MEDIUM, LONG, FULL} or null (if null, defaults to \IntlDateFormatter::MEDIUM)
  • (format_time and format_datetime only) the time type to use if no pattern were provided: the given value must be one of \IntlDateFormatter::{SHORT, MEDIUM, LONG, FULL} or null (if null, defaults to \IntlDateFormatter::MEDIUM)
{{ date_time_object | format_date(null, 'fr', 'Europe/Paris', constant('IntlDateFormatter::LONG')) }} => '1 février 2011'
{{ date_time_object | format_time(null, 'fr', 'Europe/Paris', constant('IntlDateFormatter::SHORT')) }} => '19:55'
{{ date_time_object | format_datetime(null, 'fr', 'Europe/Paris',
    constant('IntlDateFormatter::LONG'), constant('IntlDateFormatter::SHORT')) }} => '1 février 2011 19:55'
{{ date_time_object | format_[date|time|datetime]('dd MMM y G', 'fr', 'Europe/Paris') }} => '01 février 2011 ap. J.-C.'


More information about patterns can be found here:

4.1.2. PHP usage

When defining your Admin, you can also provide extra parameters:

// src/Admin/PostAdmin.php

namespace App\Admin;

use Sonata\AdminBundle\Admin\AbstractAdmin;
use Sonata\AdminBundle\Datagrid\ListMapper;

final class PostAdmin extends AbstractAdmin
    protected function configureListFields(ListMapper $listMapper)
            ->add('createdAt', 'date', [
                'pattern' => 'dd MMM y G',
                'locale' => 'fr',
                'timezone' => 'Europe/Paris',