4. Usage

4.1. Entities properties

In addition to FOSCommentBundle entities properties, we have added some properties:

4.1.1. Comment

  • authorName property: allows you to specify an author name,
  • website property: allows you to (optionally) store the author website URL,
  • email property: allows you to (optionally) store the author email address,
  • note property: allows you to add a note to your comments,
  • private property: allows you to flag a comment as private (will not appear publicly).

A comment can have a state from the following 3 states labels:

  • moderate: This is a comment awaiting for moderation,
  • valid: This is a valid comment message,
  • invalid: This is an invalid/refused comment message.

4.1.2. Thread

  • averageNote property: this is the average note of all thread comments.

4.2. Command

In order to keep the averageNote of all threads up-to-date, you can use the following command:

bin/console sonata:comment:sync

4.3. Add a new comment thread

You can add a new comment thread by adding the following code to your template.

If you are using SonataBlockBundle, the following block event is available:

{{ sonata_block_render_event('sonata.comment', {'id': 'my-custom-thread-identifier'}) }}

Else, you can use this Twig include:

{% include '@SonataComment/Thread/async.html.twig' with {'id': 'my-custom-thread-identifier'} %}